2009년 11월 12일 목요일

Alien Registration

Foreign residents who come to Korea with a long-term visa (more than 90 days) have to obtain an Alien Registration Certificate from the Seoul Immigration Office within 90 days after arrival.
The alien registration procedure applies to foreigners wishing to change their visa type, as well as those who wish to extend their period of stay beyond 90 days. Any change in the Alien Registration Certificate must be reported to the Immigration Office within 14 days. When foreign residents move, they should report to their new district office within 14 days of moving. Foreign registration is valid for one (1) year and foreigners must renew their registration within one (1) year.

Registration period

Foreigners intending to stay for more than 90 days in Korea after entry:
- within 90 days of entry
Foreigners with permission granted for status to stay or change of status:
- Upon receiving permission. (immediately)

Exceptions to foreign registration

- Those carrying out diplomacy, official missions and agreements, and their family members (A-1, A-2, A-3)
- Those undertaking diplomatic, industrial, or other important duties for the national security and their family members, and other foreigners exempt from registration as foreigners by the Minister of Justice
- Foreigners from Canada intending to stay for less than 6 months and who hold one of the following Visa status: Culture/Arts (D-1), Religious Works (D-6), Visit&Stay with family (F-1), Family dependency (F-3), others (G-1)

Required documents

- Application Form
- Passport
- 3 photographs (taken within 6 months, 3x4cm)
- Fee (10,000 Won)

Related Sites : Seoul immigration office
(URL :http://www.immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do)


1. Registration Number : first six digits(birth date)
- last seven digits(personalized number)
2. Name : name as appears on passport
3. Nationality : nationality as appears on passport
4. Place of stay : address in Korea
5. Status of sojourn
6. Date of issue, Expiry date
7. Issuing office

1. Date of permission : the date when the permission is issued.
2. Change of particulars : change of the status of stay, etc.
3. Permitting office : office that makes the permission.
4. Period of stay : the date when the permission is issued and there
by the new expiration date of the period of stay.

Source : Seoul immigration office
(URL :http://www.immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do)

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