2009년 11월 20일 금요일

Useful website in Korea

Today, I will talk about the useful website for visiting Korea

You can get the valuable information from there. Check it :D

1. The weather forecast

Korean weather is unexpectable. We could not know when it rains.
So~ this website is very necessary.
Check the weather where you are :)

-> Korea Meteorological Administration

2. Tax reference

If you are a long-term resident, need to check it at least once
Do you know that ESL teachers also have to pay the tax ?
Please refer to the prior post "Taxation of income tax for foreign ESL teachers"

Below is the National Tax Service site

-> National Tax Service

3. Korean Food

There are various kind of Korean dishes but how could we know everything?
you can find out the recipe of enjoying the spicy and spacious tastes of Korean food from the site :-D

-> Korean Food

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